
Category: Blog

  • The Integration of Faith and Politics



    We are to evangelize the community towards God. This is our first assignment to preach repentance. And then demonstrate the diakonos and apostolic mandate. Acts6:1-8.We are to minister to the whole man, we need to provide life coaching. The only institution which has answers for dying world is the church. We are God’ stewards. Stewardship…

  • Recession – Past Present and Politics



    Though the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has yet to classify the current economic slump as a “recession,” most commentators would agree that the economy is heading in that direction. Martin Feldstein, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, recently noted that, “we have been sliding into recession [and]…I think it could go on longer…

  • Why Include Abdominal Exercises



    It is important to include abdominal training as an unit of your daily exercise routine in order to have those fantastic six pack abs and be the envy of all your friends. Stomach exercises are easy as pie to perform and they help to enhance your center and spine. Radiology             So, if you feel…

  • Daily Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles.



    So you want to get rid of your love handles and create some respectable abs? Well, I am going to give you some great daily exercises that will help you get there. But, the first thing you need to do is understand what you are doing. Afic To lose a single pound of fat you…

  • Tips to Begin a Daily Exercise Routine



    Physical activity like exercise is good for the body. It will surely make you more active and energetic. Exercises help you maintain a healthy body and an ideal weight. Wonderlandteashop  They can surely burn excessive fats in your body to decrease your risk of having diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. There are…

  • Doing Daily Exercises



    Doing daily exercises are advisable by professionals who expect that it is safe for both physical and mental reasons. Weightlifting is a very acceptable and useful exercise. The numerous benefits and impact of weightlifting are discussed below in this article for your benefit. Body builders are not the only people who should be made to…

  • The Benefits of Daily Exercise – What You Should Know



    Exercise always conjures images of tedious and boring sets and reps. Even if the requirement for staying fit is just a meager thirty minutes a day, it can be difficult to adhere to a regular walking or jogging regimen, particularly when you are trying to catch deadlines or running late for your child’s soccer game.…

  • The Secret Connection between Daily Exercise and Lead Generation



    You may think that exercise is just something that you should do to keep yourself healthy in your personal life. The connection between exercise and physical activity is pretty obvious in lots of areas of our lives. But what you may not know is that exercise is even important when it comes to generating leads.…

  • Daily Exercise Workout of Just 15 Mints Is All That’s Needed



    What great news! You can actually reduce your risk of dying by doing a daily exercise workout for just 15 minutes each day according to some encouraging new research. The research found that if sedentary people upped their activity by just this much each day they could cut their risk of dying rather dramatically and…

  • Increase Your Heart Lifespan – How Daily Exercises Strengthen



    Exercising for at least 30 minutes every day is great for your health! You may have heard or read about this phrase more than once before and on many occasions while looking for health related help. Where you encountered these golden words of wisdom is not really the big deal, but knowing their importance is.…